“The secret of ugliness consists not in irregularity, but in being uninteresting.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Crop list:
- parsley
- scallions
- beets
- honey
- popcorn
- cabbage
- kale
- broccoli/cauliflower – half shares
- romaine/chard – full shares
- apple mint – full shares
- kohlrabi – full shares
- summer squash – full shares
Farmer notes:
- Not a Flex Share week
- Honey is unpasteurized and is from last season’s harvest
- Summer squash and zucchini season is now upon us
- 2/3 of our cucumber crop was destroyed soon after transplanting into the field with hard rain and high winds. We immediately reseeded, but it will still be 2 or 3 weeks before harvest
- It appears that our incessant wet weather has abated
- Eggplant is just around the corner
- Spring romaine is complete, now we move into some summer varieties of lettuce
- Our herbs are wonderful, be creative with them – most will dry nicely for later use
- Enjoy this beautiful weather!!