My name is Norm Gross and I am “Norm the Farmer.” I grew up on a small family farm in western Iowa. I was the 12th of 13 children and we made our living off of 160 acres of fertile land. We had grain and hay that we fed to our chickens, milk cows and pigs. The manure from these animals went back out into the fields as fertilizer for the next year’s crop. Our ‘bread and butter’ was the bi-weekly milk check, but diversification was the key to survival.
At Earth Dance Farm, we have only 42 acres: 12 acres in vegetable and fruit production, 12 acres in hay, a few in small grain, and 15 in pasture. We work together, along with six interns and part-time help to cultivate and care for this land as good stewards. The chickens, horses, Dexter cow/calf, and the neighbor’s cows graze the rolling hills.
We are a small, local and sustainable business, Earth Dance Farm, Community Supported Agriculture. We are located just south of Rochester, Minnesota. In the fertile, unglaciated Bluff Country. We deliver our produce through our CSA to families in Rochester and the Twin Cities. We also offer on farm pick-up for those in our neighborhood.
We do not use any synthetic chemicals or fertilizers in growing our crops. We rely on compost, green manures, and some organic fertilizers to supplement our soil. The soil is managed with cover crops, crop rotations and fallow times. I was raised with the philosophy that the land is a gift to be cared for and nourished before it is passed on to the next generation. It is a relationship where there is communication and kinship. It is with joy and good, honest sweat that we work these fields to produce the most nutritious and flavor filled vegetables and fruits that you can find.
Click here to read more about CSAs and the benefits of joining Earth Dance Farm.
We invite you to join us as we begin our new season.
You are always welcome to visit us in person or contact us.