“In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.”
~ Anne Frank
Crop list:
- apples
- peppers – bells, sweet, hot
- butternut squash
- butterhead lettuce
- carrots
- collard greens
- dill
- eggplant
- radishes – full and flex shares
- broccoli/cauliflower – full and half shares
- ground cherries – full and flex shares
Farmer notes:
- Yes, this is a Flex Share week
- This is our final Summer Share delivery
- Thank you all for your participation in our summer produce season
- Our Fall Share (5 every-other-week delivery) begins next Th., Oct. 19th
- We had a hard freeze Wed. morning which took care of any remaining peppers, tomatoes, ground cherries etc.
- Apples today are Regent and Haroldred
- Dill can be dried and used for months
- We expect more rain in the next couple of days – trying to slowly catch up
- I will return to every drop site location next week – Please return all of our boxes and ice packs by then
- We are ever so grateful to grow food for you
- Blessings for a peaceful and healthy Autumn and Winter to each of you
~ Norm