“When the power of love is greater than the love of power, the world will know peace.”
~ Jimi Hendrix
Crops in the box:
- Bibb lettuce
- Cucumbers
- Eggplant
- Peppers
- Dill
- Radishes
- Kale
- Sweet onions
- Potatoes
- Summer squash – full and flex
- Fennel – full
- Mini tomatoes – full
- Swiss chard – flex
Farmer notes:
- Yes, it is a Flex Share delivery week
- The dill is tasty in a cucumber salad or with the potatoes
- Tomatoes and the 2nd planting of summer squash/zucchini are beginning to come in nicely
- Fennel can be cored, sliced and roasted with some potatoes
- This variety of radishes is perfect for the wet year we are having: crunchy, juicy, sweet, and beautifully bright red
- The mini tomatoes are great to eat straight up – also fantastic grilled or roasted with garlic/onions/other veg
- Eggplant can be thinly coined and oiled well and grilled for 1/2 hour in a grilling basket(turning every 5 minutes) – salt and pepper to taste
- The lettuce with radishes and cukes is refreshingly enjoyable
- Please return our ice packs and boxes weekly