“Close some doors today, not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance,
but simply because they lead you nowhere.”
~ Paulo Coello
Crop for today:
- Carrots
- Potatoes
- Beets
- Parsley
- Cabbage
- Radishes
- Red onions
- Peppers
- Kale – full,flex
- Turnips – full
- Kohlrabi – half, flex
- Apples – full
- Ground cherries – flex
Farmer notes:
- Yes, this is a flex share delivery day
- This is box 18, the final one for our Summer CSA season – THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING US!!!
- Our Fall Share begins next Thursday, October 24th – please consider joining us for all 5 bi-weekly deliveries. or just some of these boxes
- Please return all boxes and ice packs to your drop off location for pickup and reuse by next Thursday
- The 2024 summer season was all-in-all a good one: the record moisture in April-June made for a failed first planting of cucumbers and summer squash, sweet corn and winter squash, very small and few melons and potatoes, and weak spring brassicas. On the other hand, the peas, beans, eggplant, peppers, onions and herbs were fantastic! And so goes organic vegetable farming. We hope that you enjoyed your summer of fresh vegetables!
- Our crops for the fall and winter look tremendous – they are receiving a lot of irrigation these dry days
- Thank you, be well, and peace to you and your families
~ Your farmer, Norm