“To bow to the fact that you do not know, and to deeply listen to your heart’s guidance, is Freedom.”
~ Jack Kornfield
Crops in the box:
- Romaine
- Kohlrabi
- Collard greens
- Kale
- Cilantro
- Sage
- Cauliflower – full and flex
- Napa – half and flex
- Choy – full and half
- Radishes – full and flex
- Shelling peas – full and half
- Broccoli – full shares
- Rhubarb – flex shares
Farmer notes:
Yes, this is a FLEX share delivery week
- It looks like we are drying out with some heat in the forecast, this is good news for many of our heat-loving summer crops
- Today and tomorrow we will be catching up with some field planting
- With a nearly record setting Spring for moisture there has been many interruptions in our flow of planting
- This week you may notice some damage due to beetles, aphids, cabbage moth, again, more evident due to the incessantly wet soils
- Our 5 interns are awesome people and are doing a great job
- Peas need to be shelled and just eat the pea – sugar snap peas come later
- Kohlrabi is a wonderfully sweet and crisp crop, most often peeled and eaten akin to a radish
- Think about scheduling a farm visit sometime this season
- Wash all of your produce before eating it
- Please return our ice packs and boxes and leave the blue name tag on the box
- Be well and stay cool this weekend