“The Holy Land is everywhere.”
~ Black Elk
Crop list:
- cabbage
- savory
- new red potatoes
- scallions
- dill
- kale
- eggplant
- sugaar snap peas – full/half
- sweet onions – full/flex
- summer squash, zucchini – half
- beets – full/flex
- cucumbers – full
- honey – flex
- frying peppers – full
Farmer notes:
- Yes, today is a Flex Share delivery
- The summer crops are beginning to ripen – next week’s heat will hasten the process
- Dill is great in a yogurt sauce, refreshing and tangy
- Savory is often used as a rub or marinade for chicken/pork/fish, wonderful with all types of beans, and as a pepper substitute. Let it hang to dry in moving air for later use
- The eggplant is going nuts and you will continue to receive it – plan ahead since it does not store very well. It is excellent sliced and grilled with plenty of oil/butter, a dash of balsamic and parmesan
- The first cucumber crop was extremely poor due to high winds and rain – our 2nd and 3rd crops are looking great
- It has been a perfect spring/summer year for onions – these are the nicest I have ever grown
- Please continue to return our boxes/ice packs and pulp containers and always wash the produce
- Enjoy the summertime since it always goes by too quickly