i am a belly drum bum
tromp tromp tromp up gravel slide
hands so cold and heart so wide
whistle away- yell and consume and yell
build a yurt- read books- have faith in the mud
it will always be there
the great squish looks out for us
tiny globules of water in the morning on leaves spring up washed in sun
piles of vapor roil
cry down to the earth
watch the seeds sprout, or don’t
they will not care
gentle meditation of the harvest
crunch and whisper
soft breathing of grasses
hard blazing fruits of the dying vine
orange orbs orate
tell us its time for tea
sip giddy drink deeply
Farmer Notes:
- HARVEST PARTY IS THIS SATURDAY FROM 2-8 come anytime you can
- This is week #17 – next week is the final delivery of the summer season
- Sign ups for Fall Share extend through the end of October – first delivery is Th., Oct. 30th
- Butternut squash this week – it becomes sweeter as it sits for several weeks
- Farmer’s choice of summer squash/radishes/cucumbers
- Finally one bell pepper. It was such a wet June that these (and eggplant) went into the field too late and are only now producing…and dying
- Dill can be used on baked potatoes, carrots or cukes
- More carrots and beets in box 18
- Lettuce is Romaine or Ruby Red
- Wash your produce before eating