“Teach thy tongue to say ‘I do not know,’ and thou shalt progress.”
~ Maimonides
Crop list:
- radishes
- summer squashes
- cucumbers
- mini tomatoes
- slicing tomatoes
- peppers
- cantaloupe
- basil
- fennel
- cabbage
- spaghetti squash – full shares
- eggplant – full shares
Farmer notes:
- It is not a Flex Share week
- Wow, it has been so hot this week in the fields
- melons are prime to eat, some slicing tomatoes may benefit from sitting around for a few days
- there could be some splitting minis so check through them asap
- spaghetti squash can sit on the counter for a couple of weeks if you do not eat it soon
- potatoes will accompany the fennel next week
- sorry, there will be no ‘salsa boxes’ offered this year as we do not have a sweet onion crop or a second cilantro
- look for a forthcoming email regarding tomatoes for canning
- happy ‘hot summer days, ‘grand state fair times’ and ‘back to school chaos’
- always wash your produce and return our boxers/ice packs