“We find our path by walking”
-Robert Bly
So lately in the boxes there has been a lot of carrots, beets,
potatoes, squash, and onions. For some people it may be more than you
can eat but here are a couple ways that you can put those veggies to
good use later on in the winter.
Potatoes store really well. A cool 30 to 40 degrees is ideal but they
will keep for a couple months in temps up to 50 degrees. They also
need to be in a dark place. If you have a basement this would be your
best option if not the garage works also. They can be put in a
cardboard box covered in news paper to keep all traces of light out.
Also watch the how cool they get because potatoes can freeze if the
temp gets to low making them mushy and inedible.
Onions are also great for storage and use later and can actually be
stored with your potatoes. Keep them away from light and at a cool 30
to 45 degrees.
Squash can store for many months if kept at the right temperature and
humidity. Store squash at a relatively low humidity (30% to 50%) and
as close to 60 degrees as possible. Make sure you check your squash
about every month or so to identify any fruit that needs to be used up
in the case of decaying.
Carrots and Beets on the other hand love a very high humidity and a
low temp again ranging between 32 and 40 degrees. The best place to
store these crops is in your refrigerator. Lay them in a freezer bag
as flat as you can and remove as much air out of them as possible. Lay
the bags flat placing one on top of the other anywhere in your
I hope this helps in keeping your family eating tasty organic veggies
all winter long.
Farmer notes
· Cut Brussels in half, put in skillet on medium heat with olive
oil/butter. Turn as needed and add craisins/raisins/apples and
slivered almonds with a dash of balsamic as the sprouts brown. Kosher
salt and coarse black pepper as needed and enjoy
· Broccoli and lettuce did not survive our single digit temps
· Arugula with apples and carrots makes for a yummy salad – add
some of the braising mix if desired
· Carrots are sooo good. Eat them as snacks or roast them coated in
olive oil, salt and pepper and sprinkled with Thyme
· Make a vegetable soup for goodness sakes
· Use the pie pumpkins for a Thanksgiving pie. They will not store
much longer than a week or two in a cool dry and dark place
· The beets roasted are so sweet and delicious
· I will offer a #4 box on Monday December 16 for $40 if anyone is
interested. I will let you know in 2 weeks what it will be comprised
· Wash all of your produce before consummation
· Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!
Link to: Produce list-notes-recipes