FALL FESTIVAL THIS SATURDAY 2-8. Directions are on website
How can people trust the harvest, unless they see it sown?
– Mary Renault
Where is the beef?
I often get the impression that many folks believe that raising organic produce for a living goes hand in hand with being a vegetarian. I understand the logic. I was raised on the farm where we raised our own meat chickens, had pigs to sell and butcher and raised cows to milk and beef to eat. It really was not considered a meal if there was not meat on the table. I am not bragging about this by any means, this is just how it was and how it still is in many households.
I posted a ‘feeler’ on face book this spring to see what kind of interest there was in grass fed beef. I have 15 acres of pasture and 12 of hay ground and could probably manage half dozen animals. The response was quite positive, depending on the price of the meat.
I am here to say that this is not something that I will pursue for several reasons:
- The logistics of delivery would be complicated
- A fair amount of time and money to prepare the pastures for such an endeavor
- I am trying to eat less and less meat all the time
- Other good folks are raising beef sustainably and need the business
- And finally, I cannot get past the fact that we could feed 800 million more people if the planet did not eat meat, and 400 million by just cutting out beef
I will continue to consume meat at a slightly decelerated rate and I will continue to enjoy it immensely. I will also, almost exclusively, eat local meat that is pasture raised and chemical free. Hill and Vale and Hilltop Farm are both local farms in my area that I would recommend. Hilltop www.hilltoppasturesfamilyfarm.com offers a meat CSA and delivers to many parts of the Twin Cities and Rochester.
Farmer notes
- Sweet dumpling squash can be cut in half, put upside down in a pan with some water and baked for ½ hour – add butter/brown sugar as desired
- It is time to return to lettuce and greens with the cooler weather
- Turnips and carrots are both great roasted with olive oil and kosher salt
- Last of the eggplant and cucumbers as the nights begin to freeze
- Peppers and Romas will last one more week
- This second delivery of the fennel is the last
- Thyme is perfect – try it on the potatoes or the carrots
- Apples and pie pumpkins next week
- I still have some fall shares available
- Wash all of your produce please
Link to: Produce list-notes-recipes