October 4, 2012
Quote of the Week:
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
Reflection from Katie
Autumn Reflections
I had an interesting conversation with the harvest moon this past weekend. It’s been a beautiful fall, without a doubt, the colors on the trees are reaching a climax, the sun is warming, and the breeze is cool. With the bright bold moon shining down on us here on the farm I asked her what secrets she held for the coming season and the coming year. She responded by saying that life is kind of like riding on the back of a wagon, you know that you’re going someplace, but you can’t quite tell where or to what task you’re going for, but you’re definitely along for the ride, enjoying the beauty that abounds. The harvest moon bathed us in moonlight and has left us with a bountiful harvest season. It’s incredible for me to see the bounty that is still coming even after seeing some hard frosts in the last few weeks. One thing gives way to another and time marches steadily on. Two weeks ago we still had plenty of tomatoes and the plants were even still putting on blossoms. But a good freeze put the kibosh on nightshades and other summer veggies. However, what’s bad for some is good for others; the fall spinach that we planted likes the cold and tastes even sweeter with a frost under its belt. The winter squash are a miracle to me. We hardly paid much attention to them after we planted the seedlings in the ground, but they grew so well and now we are harvesting an incredible amount. Fall has been beautiful and mysterious for me. Seeing which crops can survive the cooler conditions gives you at once a sense of fatality and mortality and also a sense of great relief in knowing that seasons will come and go, irrespective of our actions. The moon will rise again. As one thing dies, another keeps growing; summer gives way to fall and we continue again in our grand cycle.
Farmer Notes on this week’s delivery:
- Squash is Acorn. It will taste sweeter if you hold it a couple more weeks
- The last of the watermelon, peppers, and bok choy
- Sweet potatoes will be delivered again next week
- Finally some great broccoli and cabbage – a farmer’s choice for full shares
- The spinach is small and sweet – more to come in week 18
- Mustard greens are pretty spicy. Use it to flavor a soup or stir fry
- It is terribly dry around these parts
- Sign up for a Fall Share. Deliveries on Th. Oct. 25, Nov. 8, and Mon. Nov. 19
- Wash all of the produce please