August 2, 2012
Quote of the Week:
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”
-Philo of Alexandria
Weekly Reflection
A few years back Laurie brought home a goat, Ginger, from Blackshire horse arena in Cannon Falls. Her personality was, at the best of times, bewildering, and at her worst she was belligerent and mean. Needless to say, she was not a hit with the children and, all in all, not the greatest experience for us. We passed her on to another hopeful family.
Last week we purchased two goats from one of Adriana’s friends. They are pigmy goats and, as you can see, quite adorable. They are named Tundra and Taiga. On Sunday we went to Tractor Supply and proceeded to spend several hundred dollars on supplies. Some hours of sweat resulted in a ‘not too shabby’ goat pen, part inside and part outside. Once the goats were inside of their new house we retired into our house for our well-deserved supper. Within 10 minutes the dogs were barking as the goats had escaped their home. Laurie, Adriana and I banged our heads together but could not figure out how they got out……. until Taiga slid behind a sliding door right before our eyes. Later they were out again, this time up to a 5 foot cement ledge and then over the fence.
And they cry or crow or croon or whatever they do practically nonstop. They stare at the house and when they hear the door they begin crying. This was getting on my nerves until I realized that they had just been uprooted from their mother and home, been moved to a new place with new people, and they are just kids. With my new-found compassion, I entered their pen and sat on one of their “rocks”. They immediately snuggled up to me and my urge to melt seemed irresistible. Now I talk to them while I do the chores, regularly visit them in their pen, and holler their names from around the farm just to hear them cry.
I am happy to connect with Tundra and Taiga, embrace their mischievousness, and enjoy their company. It was so much more work to remain aloof, judgmental, and angry with them. This seems like a lesson I cannot relearn often enough.
Farmer Notes on this week’s delivery:
- Just finished up the hottest July in over 30 years!
- Perfect weather lately with cool night and sunny, warm days
- Thyme is great with summer squash or beets
- Lots of squash, cucumbers and peppers coming your way
- Garlic is still not fully cured so use it up this week
- Coons are starting to eat our melons!!!
- We have eaten a few ripe tomatoes so far
- We made the beet chocolate cake and it was to die for
- Family camping weekend is August 17-19
- Mark your calendars: Fall Harvest Gathering is Oct. 6th 2:00 – ?
- Wash all of your produce before you eat it