“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they do not have any.”
Alice Walker
Week 5 Crop list:
- Raspberries – all
- Cabbage – all
- Kale – all
- Collard greens – all
- Swiss Chard – all
- Peas – all
- Red Butterhead Lettuce – full, half
- Basil – full, single
- Kohlrabi – full, single
- Cress – full
- Cauliflower – full
Farmer notes
- This variety of lettuce is not real field hardy – I do not think I will plant it next season
- Basil has some leaves with ‘sun scald’ due to being wet often from rain/dew and then the sun burning the moisture off
- Cress is peppery and can be mixed in a salad or used in a stir fry or soup
- Collards, Kohlrabi and Cauliflower are over until late fall
- Raspberries should hold on for another week
- Cabbage/Cauliflower could very well have a worm somewhere deep inside – soak in very cold salt water before preparing
- We are hoping for a good shot of rain today before the hot humid weekend
- Wash all of your produce before you eat it
The Nightshades
We just picked our first tomatoes and peppers yesterday and had them with our supper. There are many vegetables that love the heat of the deep summer and are just beginning to have fruit on now: squashes, cucumbers, green beans, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, sweet corn, potatoes, all of the melons etc. Many of these belong to the family known as the Nightshades or Solanaceae Family, namely, eggplant, potatoes, peppers, and tomatoes. Many plants in this family are toxic to humans and some folks with digestive sensitivities or with an autoimmune disease need to be cautious of even the edible ones. For those of you who love this family of crops they should start showing up in the boxes over the course of the next couple of weeks – it is always a sure sign that summer’s heat has once again caressed the cheeks of our lovely Minnesota! Have a great week.