“The journey of 1000 miles begins with one step.”
Lao Tzu
Week 7 Crop list:
- Cabbage – all
- Red lettuce – all
- Green beans – all
- Summer squash – all
- Zucchini – all
- Tomatoes – all
- Cucumbers-all
- Peppers – all
- Citrus basil – all
- Sugar snap peas – single, full
- Eggplant – full
- Onions – full
Farmer notes:
- This is a great box for stir fry – everything bar the lettuce, cucumbers can go on in. Also, veggies on the grill are fantastic!
- Cabbage will have some green eggs beneath the outer leaves
- Peppers are bell, chili(not hot at all), and banana(nice little heat)
- Green beans got a bit big with the week off so steam/sautee/grill/bake a bit longer than you are used to – the taste is wonderful
- Cucumbers are in prime season – I always keep several sliced in salt or lemon water in the fridge to munch on as a snack
- Make some zucchini bread in the next month
- Basil is great in the stir fry or just mixed with the cucumbers, squash, or tomatoes/peppers
- Make some salsa this week!
- Tomatoes are just beginning, so you will receive more like 6/7 from here on out. Some may need to sit on your counter for a few days
- Peas are sugar snap so eat the whole pod
- Wash all of your produce before eating it
Farm update
I feel like our decision not to make a delivery last week was a resounding success from our standpoint as farmers. There is much less stress with much of the crops weeded now and most of the summer produce hitting their stride. Thanks for your patience and understanding – I think you will be very happy with this week’s box and those to follow. The sweet corn plantings are looking great with the first one ready to harvest for box #9. We have several varieties of slicing tomatoes, Sungold cherry tomatoes and Romas all coming down the pike now.
We also have most of the fall brassicas planted and much of the bare land sowed in cover crops (we use buckwheat, pea/oat mix, or a legume winter mix depending on the time of season). We are hoping for another shot of rain this weekend.
Enjoy the produce everyone and relish the bounty of mid summer goodness!!