“Where anger is a bursting flame, gentleness is a gentle rain.”
Fr. John Harden
- Summer Squash – All Shares
- New Red Potatoes – All Shares
- Cucumbers – All Shares
- Green Cabbage (Cone and/or Round) – All Shares
- Red Romaine – All Shares
- Basil – All Shares
- Collard Greens – Half Shares
- Farmer’s Choice: Cauliflower or Mini Tomatoes – Half Shares
- Chard – Full Shares
- Kale – Full Shares
- Green Bell Pepper – Full Shares
- Farmer’s Choice: Scallions or Turnips or Okra – Full Shares
Farmer’s Notes
We received over an inch of unexpected rain last night in about 40 minutes. We seriously needed it, and Diane and I were skeptical even as the far off rumblings and incessant lightening grew closer and closer to the farm. This storm system was supposed to stay to our east, and even the radar had us on the periphery. Our skepticism turned to giddy high fives as the rain began to fall. Then the wind and the hail joined in and we had ourselves a good ‘ole summer storm. Sleep came easy as we closed our eyes in gratitude. This morning we saw a good portion of the fall carrots washed out, the hail damage to only a few of the romaine, and the 2nd sweet corn laying over, but bound to recover. We will take it! It is an enjoyable time of the year now as most of the planting is done, the weeding is a bit less crazy, and the summer bounty of cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, melons, sweetcorn, eggplant and peppers begin to ripen. It also looks like the 10-day temperature forecast is more seasonable. We hope that you are having a great summer!
Summer squash (Cucurbita pepo) is the fruit of a herbaceous vine that is picked before it reaches maturity. Picking it at this stage differentiates it from winter squashes( e.gacorn squash, pumpkins, decorative gourds) which have a hardened skin and fully formed seeds inside. This plant has been cultivated for nearly 7,000 years, with the earliest known sites being found in the Oaxaca region of Mexico. It has high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. You can store summer squash for about four days in your refrigerator’s vegetable crisper drawer. This versatile ingredient should not be missed at your next cookout.

Some Recipes to Try:
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes