May the sun bring you new energy by day, may the moon softly restore you by night, may the rain wash away your worries, may the breeze blow new strength into your being. May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life. – Apache Blessing

Crop List
- Sweet corn – all
Week 12 Boxes - Kale – all
- Tomatoes, slicers and minis – all
- Bell peppers – all
- Apple mint – all
- Cucumbers – all
- Summer squash – all
- Fennel – single, half
- Eggplant – full, single
- Onions – full
- Green beans – full
- Zinnias – full, half
Farmer Notes
- Cucumbers and summer squash are really winding down
- Only one smaller delivery of sweet corn left for next week
- You gotta love those ‘yellow mini’ tomatoes
- Read about Fennel in our weekly newsletter
- We have irrigation running 24/7 again as the fields are dry
- Final field planting of greens going in this week
- Crops to look forward to: winter squashes, carrots, beets, melons, pie pumpkins, fall greens, fall brassicas, apples and more!
- Does anyone want to reserve a camping spot on the farm for September 22nd, 23rd or both nights? Check out our website to learn more or contact us at
- Mark your calendar for our FALL HARVEST PARTY Sat. Oct. 21 2-8 p.m.
- Sign up soon for our Fall Share – delivery dates are Oct. 26th, Nov. 9th, and Nov. 21st
- Please return our boxes, ice packs, tomato containers, and egg cartons
- Wash all your produce before you eat it
Farm Thoughts and Reflections

This week on the farm, the nights have dipped below 50. Mornings we have begun to wear flannels and sweaters. The first tree on our gravel lane began to turn orange and shed, but only on the north side. The south side of the tree still soaks in enough sun to stay green. The grasshoppers make plenty of noise at night. The littlest chickens have begun to explore the world outside their coop. The last of the basil has been covered to keep it from the chill. Spinach and radishes have begun peeking out of the ground. Our kitchen table collection of produce oddities has grown with each tomato harvest. Last night, I watched a bright moon rise above the tree line, sitting between the pumpkin patch and the winter squash.
Vegetable of the Week: Fennel

This week’s vegetable of the week is fennel. A crunchy, slightly sweet vegetable, that tastes curiously like licorice, fennel is often difficult to find in conventional grocery stores. The bulb, stalks, leaves, and seeds of fennel are all edible. Worth knowing is that the bulb of fennel should be cored before using and the stalks require a longer cooking time to soften and prepare. Also, although quite tasty, the stalks can be tougher and fibrous. Fennel is closely related to parsley, carrots, and dill, and is an excellent source of vitamin C, fiber, potassium, molybdenum, manganese, copper, phosphorus and much more. To prepare fennel, consider sautéing or roasting it with onions and bell peppers, combine it with avocados and oranges, or top it thinly sliced in yogurt with mint leaves. Give fennel a try with this or next week’s delivery!
How do you use Earth Dance Farm fennel? What other recipes have you all been using? We would love to see and hear how our produce is prepared! Snap a pic and share it on Facebook or Instagram, or email it to us at Enjoy your box!
Meet the Farmer

This past weekend the interns at Earth Dance Farm had a salsa making party! Because we were making salsa for four people to share, we used a large recipe. Check out how we did it below and adjust the ratios and amount of hot peppers according to your supplies and taste preferences.
What you need:
- 10 cups chopped and cored tomatoes (about 25 medium)
- 5 cups chopped and seeded green bell peppers (about 4 large)
- 5 cups chopped onions (about 6 to 8 medium)
- 2-1/2 cups chopped and seeded chili peppers, such as hot banana, Hungarian wax, serrano or jalapeño (about 13 medium)
- 1-1/4 cups apple cider vinegar
- 3 finely chopped garlic cloves
- 2 Tbsp finely chopped cilantro or chives
- 1 Tbsp salt
- 6 16 oz pints or 12 8 oz half pint glass preserving jars with lids and bands
What to do:
- Dip tops of jars into gently boiling water to sterilize. Wash lids in warm soapy water and set bands aside.
- Combine tomatoes, peppers (bell and hot), onions, vinegar, garlic, cilantro/chives, and salt. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and boil gently, stirring frequently, until slightly thickened, about 10 minutes.
- Ladle salsa into jars, leaving about 1/2 inch headspace. Wipe rim clean and seal jar.
- Check lids for seal after 24 hours. Lid should not flex up and down when center is pressed. If jars did not seal properly, refrigerate and consume first. If jars sealed, salsa may be stored.
Enjoy your produce! Like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram @EarthDanceFarm!